Kensi Gounden - How To Become A Small Business Coach

Kensi Gounden Says Becoming a life AND business coach is a niche that is both rewarding and lucrative. When it gets down issues such as planning, recruitment, marketing, succession or systems the coaching can tip over into mentoring and consulting so you need to have the skills and experience to honestly serve the client. As a coach for a business owner you will facilitate client in their confidence and ability to run the operation and cope with the day to day challenges and business relationships and maybe even family issues and work life balance. As a mentor you may drawn on your own business experience to assess and advice on what needs to be done with the business itself and as a consultant you may even give specific advice and help with implementation. So if you are offering coaching for small business you need to make sure both you and the client understand the parameters and boundaries and have a written agreement on what you can and will deliver. According to Kensi Gounden , H...