Kensi Gounden - Ten Vintage Ideas to Spark Innovation in Your Classroom

Kensi Gounden says, Vintage innovation happens when we use old ideas and tools to transform the present. Think of it as a mash-up. It’s not a rejection of new tools or new ideas. Instead, it’s a reminder that sometimes the best way to move forward is to look backward. Like all innovation, vintage innovation is disruptive. But it’s disruptive by pulling us out of present tense and into something more timeless.

This isn’t meant to be nostalgic. There are certainly horrible things in the past that we don’t want to repeat. However, in the ed tech drive toward collective novelty, we often miss out on the classic and the vintage.

Kensi Gounden - Ten Vintage Ideas to Spark Innovation in Your Classroom

According to kensi gounden, here are ten ways you can embrace the vintage in your classroom.

  • Sketch-Noting
  • Commonplace Books
  • Prototyping with Duct Tape and Cardboard
  • Apprenticeships
  • The Natural World
  • Play
  • Socratic Seminars
  • Games and Simulations
  • Experiments
  • Manipulatives

A garden is valuable but students can videochat with an expert at a greenhouse. It’s powerful to bring in World War II soldiers to talk face-to-face about their experiences. There’s something amazing about the vintage element of human connection.

If you need more help regarding vintage innovation you can contact kensigounden, he will definately help you in acieving your goals.

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